
Version 3.9 (updated on 30 May 2024)
- Fixed Load More Button vanishes on Woo Product Grid when there are no more products to show
- Added a Close Button for YIH Prompt notification in the WP Admin Dashboard
- Added Quick View Pop up hide feature when Escape Button is pressed

Version 3.8 (updated on 18 April 2024)
- Fixed Mini Cart Icon Background
- Fixed Mini Cart Module flyout scrolling issue
- Fixed the Default Sorting Feature
- Fixed known issues that resulted in site crashing
- Added Support for the latest PHP Version

Version 3.7 (Updated on 5 February 2024)
-Added View Cart Button for Product Grid, Product Carousel and Product Filter
-Fixed an Issue with the Woo Product Filter & Category Selection
-Fixed an Issue with the Sorting Feature for Woo Product Filter
-Fixed an Issue with the Woo Product Grid Offset Number Showing in Front-end
-Fixed an Issue with the Product Sorting Feature for Woo Product Grid
-Improved the Quick View Feature with Variable Product Image, Price, Color and Backorder
-Improved Masonry Order Class in Menu Size for the Woo Product Filter
-Improved the Sorting switch behavior for Woo Product Filter in the Visual Builder

Version 3.6 (Updated on 15 January 2024)
-Improved the WooCommerce Notice Feature
-Migrated ‘Add to Cart’ functionality to WordPress Default Hook for Woo Product Grid and Woo Product Filter
-Fixed Woo Essential Grid Settings Conflict with YITH Filter
-Fixed Edit Product Tab Disappearance on Single Product Page
-Fixed an issue with the Sorting Feature in Woo Product Filter
-Fixed Category Text Font Size in Product Carousel Layout 01
-Fixed an Issue with the Woo Ajax Search Module

Version 3.5 (Updated on 27 December 2023)
-Improved Product Grid with Pagination

Version 3.4 (Updated on 11 December 2023)
-Fixed an issue with some PHP Versions

Version 3.3 (Updated on 7 December 2023)
-Fixed an issue with the Plugin Updater
-Fixed an issue with a Fatal Error Caused by the Divi Theme Customizer

Version 3.2 ( updated on 5 December 2023 )
-Added Multilingual Compatibility Support
-Added Woocommerce Default Sorting Product Filter Module
-Added Woo Essential Plugin Text Domain
-Fixed Product Carousel Image Hover Issue
-Fixed Product Filter Module Top Menu Size

Version 3.1 ( updated on 1 June 2023 )
-Fixed an issue in the NextWooGrid module where trailing commas were not allowed in function calls in PHP 7.2 or earlier

Version 3.0 ( updated on 21 May 2023 )
-Added compatibility feature for third-party filter plugins in the product grid module
-Added a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Custom CSS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" field for the search button in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Wooo Ajax Search\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Fixed the search button text in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Wooo Ajax Search\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Added search ability to the website search result page for the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product Grid\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product Carousel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" pages
-Fixed the responsiveness of the search button in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Wooo Ajax Search\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Fixed the border color issue in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Wooo Ajax Search\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Added the option to use the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"product grid\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module within the Tag archive page with the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Current Page\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" switch option
-Fixed the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Lazy Loading\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" issue in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product Grid\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Improved nonce and sanitized text content fields
-Fixed pagination and load-more features when using special archive pages with the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"current pages\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" feature
-Fixed the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Quickview\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" popup display option in the archive pages
-Fixed the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Quickview\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" popup display in general
-Fixed the backend and frontend display dissimilarity issue in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product Grid\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Fixed the Quickview popup arrow border settings
-Fixed the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Add to Cart\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Quick View\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" icons not showing in the front end of the Filter module
-Added an option for adjusting the description font in the Improved Quickview popup, including border, hover-overlay, and title spacing
-Added a Quickview popup box price color option
-Fixed the mini-cart option for multi-language support
-Added a design option for the Quickview popup box close button
-Fixed and cleaned up code in the product grid module
-Fixed the background issue in layout-4, layout-6, and layout-7 of the product grid module
-Fixed the image and Quickview icon border issue
-Fixed the spacing issue in layouts 5 and 6
-Fixed the product grid view-cart border issue

Version 2.5 ( updated on 23 March 2023 )
-Added \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Woo Ajax Search\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Fixed variable product text color issue
-Updated Quick-view popup box option settings
-Fixed category alignment issue within the product grid module
-Fixed background color issues within the wishlist icon while it has been selected, and content background -Fixed rating alignment
-Fixed sale-badge text margin/padding option

Version 2.4 ( updated on 9 February 2023 )
-Fixed add-to-cart, quick-view, compare, and wishlist icon hovers color not being applied unless there was an active color
-Fixed the number pagination and load-more pagination not working properly at the category archive pages

Version 2.3 ( updated on 22 January 2023 )
-Resolved issue with filter module not functioning on websites using different languages
-Updated deprecated warning within the product carousel
-Fixed design issue with hover on Quickview modal button

Version 2.2 ( updated on 20 January 2023 )
-Added the ability to include \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"category\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" within the carousel layouts -Fixed problem with importing starter layout
-Resolved \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"wp is not defined\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" error in the customizer -Improved Quickview popup functionality

Version 2.1 ( updated on 12 January 2023 )
-Added \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Mini Cart\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Implemented AJAX pagination in the product grid
-Resolved image size issue in product carousel module
-Fixed design inconsistencies with icons, text, and image height in products displayed after clicking \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Load More\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
-Implemented data caching and optimized files for improved loading performance
-Included first-page products in the cache
-Updated buttons for checkout and view cart
-Implemented methods for achieving equal height in product grid module
-Removed redirect on plugin activation
-Included scrollbar in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Mini Cart\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Fixed broken Quickview functionality

Version 2.0 ( updated on 17 October 2022 )
-Optimized and clean up, completely restructured the codebase to make the plugin faster than ever, now all the code is separate, and only when the module is used necessary JS/CSS will load
-Added filter bar responsive position option -Redesign the quick view popup for all the product modules
-Fixed image overlapping issue within the product filter module
-Added the Quick view, Wishlist, and compare features within the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product Filter\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Fixed regular & new prices not showing correctly while having variable product
-Updated the text-domain
-Cleanup code and made reusable code block
-Added regular/sale price toggle within the Product Accordion
-Fixed the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Load more\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" issue within the product grid module
-Fixed the incorrect rating within the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product grid\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" module
-Fixed the PHP warning suggestion
-Fixed the image height issue within the visual builder at the product grid module
-Fixed the HTML code not showing within the Quickview on product modules
-Fixed the Quickview bottom thumbs gallery overlapping while having more than 4 images in the product gallery
-Fixed the background color within the Quickview while on hover

Version 1.8 ( updated on 8 September 2022 )
-Added the newly created Quickview customization system within the product grid module and product carousel module
-Updated the selections options for pricing options at variable products
-Added options for changing texts for variable items
-Fixed variable products price color within the product grid module
-Fixed text-domain name
-Added Mini cart checkout text dynamic translation
-Updated product filter module menu position

Version 1.7 ( updated on 24 August 2022 )
-Added the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Current Category\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" feature within the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product Grid\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product Carousel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Product Accordion\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" modules
-Added divi product filter bar positioning option for left position and right position
-Added option for updating the text from the customizer within the Mini cart

Version 1.6 ( updated on 9 August 2022 )
-Added the Include & Exclude feature of the “All” category from the product filter module
-Added option to change the “All” text within the product filter module
-Fixed product showcase issue while having multiple categories within the product filter

Version 1.5 ( updated on 2 August 2022 )
-Fixed the layout import issue while using the product carousel module

Version 1.4 ( updated on 29 July 2022 )
-Fixed product filter categories don’t show some products
-Fixed product doesn’t show while having multiple categories for products
-Fixed mini-cart click issue
-Added option for updating the text for “Add To Cart” and badges
-Updated design options for badges
-Fixed add-to-cart link not clickable at product grid layout 2

Version 1.3 ( updated on 17 July 2022 )
-Added brand new Mini Cart Feature
-Added 3 types of Mini cart interaction
-Added Rating toggle within the product grid module
-Added the option to change the Sale, percentage, out-of-stock, featured text with the product grid, and product carousel module
-Added review rating alignment feature within the product grid module
-Added overlay feature at the product carousel module for all the layouts
-Added overlay gradient color feature at layout.4 & 6 within the product grid module
-Fixed product filter module\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s product doesn\\\\\\\'t show issue when category name had multiple words in it

Version 1.2 ( updated on 18 May 2022 )
-Fixed the import starter layout import issue
-Fixed product filter stacked issue
-Fixed console warning about tag descendant
-Fixed quick-view slider arrow not visible

Version 1.1 ( updated on 4 May 2022 )
-Updated the default design on all the modules
-Added updated icon fonts of Divi
-Fixed Arrow responsiveness issue -Fixed PHP 8 warning -Added Pagination feature at the Product Grid module
-Added the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Load More\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" feature to the product grid module
-Added quick view feature to multiple modules
-Added Wish list features to multiple product modules
-Added slider feature within the Quick view
-Added thumbs gallery feature within the quick view of products
-Fixed page reload issue
-Fixed spacing issues
-Added a few design layouts within modules
-Added admin notice feature

Version 1.0.0 ( 21 November 2021 )
- Woo Essential Baseline Version